Measures Being Undertaken by the Town to Improve Water Quality

In order to improve the water quality, the Town will be undertaking the following measures:

  • The Town has contracted with AECOM Engineering to perform a study which will evaluate the water distribution system piping age, pipe conditions, and identify the cause of recurring problems with water quality complaints of odor and high turbidity water from residents.
  • The Town has purchased new equipment for hydrant flushing that will make the flushing of the waterlines more effective.
  • The Town will begin flushing hydrants on September 26, 2022.  Hydrant flushing helps ensure water quality and helps avoid random bouts of rusty(brown) water.   Hydrant flushing can make the water temporarily appear rust-colored because the iron and other mineral deposits in the water mains get stirred up. There is no health hazard associated with discolored water. Water is safe to use and consume during hydrant flushing.  Hydrant flushing will be performed after 9pm.
  • The Town has installed security locks on all Fire Hydrants.  Security locks provide several important functions including to deter unauthorized personnel from accessing the fire hydrant for water.  The disruption of the water system when accessed through the fire hydrant will cause rusty(brown) water.